8 June 2024


I greet all of you with the peace of the Lord. For the thought I wish to share with you today, Saturday 8 June 2024, I will read a biblical verse written in:
Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

The beginning of a month is a joyful time for most employees as they receive their salary. But within a few days, invoices come due, bills need to be paid, unexpected expenses arise, and your bank balance dwindles significantly. Have you ever found yourself in this situation?
A look at the Gospels shows us how God provides for our every need. In a wedding celebration, where there is a shortage of wine, the Lord intervenes. A fish had in its mouth what was needed to pay taxes. A multitude is fed with one boy's lunch and even has some left over! Insufficiency was never a problem when Jesus was present. Even though 2000 years have passed, today we can still trust in God who will provide for our every need. God is always able and willing to provide for His children—we just have to ask Him.
What is it that you are missing in your life? Are you missing what you need to cover your monthly expenses? Don't have time to get important things done? Do you need wisdom and skill to do the job you've been assigned? Do you need peace in a difficult situation? God will supply ALL your need, according to HIS glorious riches. Did you understand the last part? What God will give you is not based on your resources, what you have, but on His infinite glorious riches. Entrust your need to the Lord and have faith in the promises of His word.

Today we want to pray together to the Lord saying: Father of Love, I come to You. I want to trust you. Provide for my every need. In the name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno