8 January 2024


Peace of the Lord and have a good start to the week everyone.
For today's "Bread from Heaven", Monday 8 January 2024, the thought I felt like sharing with you has as its key verse:
John 15:7 (NIV)

"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."

The idea of giving a gift is usually reserved for people you know, love and have a relationship with. Parents shower their children with gifts on birthdays, couples plan surprises for their anniversaries, and adult children give gifts to their elderly parents.
God has given us the greatest gift of all: the life of his only beloved Son. It is thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus, on the cross, that we are now children of the Most High God. We now enjoy an intimate relationship with Heavenly Father—what a blessing this is! Jesus said that when we abide in Him and His words abide in us, we can make our requests to Him. When we abide in Christ and are filled with the truth of him, we will stop desiring earthly things and will instead choose what God wants for us.
Psalm 37:4 says: "Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart". When you abide in Christ, He will turn your desires toward the things of the celestial kingdom and grant them to you in His perfect timing. If you are waiting to receive the fruit of the promise God has made to you, do not get tired. Stay faithful to the Lord and you will see his blessings in your life.

Today we want to pray together and say: Father God, thank you for all you do for me. Thank you for how you have graced me, giving me a new life in Christ Jesus. Help me to do your will in everything. In the name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno