6 February 2024


I greet you all with the peace of the Lord. For today, Tuesday 6 February 2024, the biblical verse from which the thought I want to share is inspired is found written in:
I Thessalonians 5:24 (NIV)

“The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”

When Abraham was in Haran, in Genesis 12:1-2 we read that the Lord said to him:
“Go from your country, from your relatives, and from your father's house, and go to the land that I will show you; 2 I will make you a great nation, I will bless you and make your name great, and you will be a source of blessing.”
Abram left Haran and moved toward the land the Lord had chosen for him, with the vision of God in his mind and powerful promises in his heart.
Along the way, the Lord blessed him immensely. Although he lived a very blessed life, Abraham had no children of his own. About 100 years passed before the Lord fulfilled His promise to raise a great nation from Abraham.
Decades may pass, but our God will not forget His promise!
When we follow God's vision, we will certainly see the fulfillment of His promises. Even though some time may pass as it did for Abraham, God will not fail to do what He has promised.
The Lord is faithful to those who are faithful to Him.

This morning we want to pray together saying: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word. Thank you for your promises. Help me to have full trust in You with the certainty that You will always take care of my life. In the Name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno