29 June 2024


I greet all of you with the peace of the Lord. For the thought I wish to share with you today, Saturday June 29, 2024, I will read a biblical verse written in:
Jude 1:2 (NIV)

“Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.”

The short letter of Judas, composed of just one chapter, is full of precious teachings for the Christian life. It begins with a greeting, which contains three fundamental gifts for our existence: mercy, peace and love.
• Mercy: Mercy is God's compassion towards sinful humanity. It is a love that is not based on our merits, but on the divine grace that envelops us and forgives us.
• Peace: Peace is the fruit of the salvation given by Jesus Christ. It is an interior tranquility that arises from the awareness of being forgiven and loved by God, and from trust in his providence.
• Love: Love is the greatest commandment that Jesus left us. It is an agape love, unconditional and disinterested, which is expressed towards God and towards others.
These three gifts - mercy, peace and love - are closely linked to each other. God's mercy leads us to inner peace, which in turn pushes us to love God and others with all our hearts.
How can we welcome and live these three gifts in our daily lives?
We pray that God's mercy, peace and love fill our hearts and pour into our actions, making us instruments of hope for this world.

Today we want to pray together to the Lord saying: Father of Love, we thank you for your infinite mercy, for the peace you have given through your Son Jesus Christ, and for the love that pushes us to live according to your will.
We ask you to help us welcome these gifts into our hearts and live them authentically in our daily lives. May your mercy lead us to forgive others and seek reconciliation. May your peace fill our hearts and give us the strength to face difficulties with serenity. May your love push us to love you and others with all our hearts. In the name of Jesus... Amen!

With love, Ivano Salerno