27 April 2024


I greet all of you with the peace of the Lord. For the thought I wish to share with you today, Saturday 27 April 2024, I will read a biblical verse written in:
Ephesians 1:3 (NIV)

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”

God, the Creator of all things, must always be praised. He is the Creator of everything, and we must be grateful to Him.
In the verses that follow the verse we read this morning, the apostle Paul lists a number of benefits we have in knowing God: He knows us; He loves us and has adopted us through Jesus Christ as His children, through Christ He has redeemed us and we have been forgiven; we have been given wisdom and intelligence; He has given us the seal of the Holy Spirit, and has given us an eternal inheritance.
Psalm 148 exhorts all things to praise the Lord: from heaven to all its angels, from the sun to the moon and stars, from great sea creatures to all wild and domestic animals, reptiles and birds, from hail to snow, fog and the wind, from all the mountains and hills,
the fruit trees and cedars all.
We can't understand how they praise the Lord, but they do! And if a fruit tree can do it, how much more can and should we do it too!
We must praise the Lord for all that He is, for all that He has done, for all that He does, and for all that He will do for us again!

Today we want to pray together to the Lord saying: Father of Love, I come to You today praising You with all my heart. I want to glorify you with all my life. Help me to be faithful to you in everything. In the name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno