26 February 2024


Peace of the Lord and have a good start to the week everyone.
For today's "Bread from Heaven", Monday 26 February 2024, the thought I felt like sharing with you has as its key verse:
Luke 6:38 (NIV)

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Many seek blessing but few understand the importance of giving. Donate your time, talents and resources. Put these things at the service of the Lord.
Everyone needs many things in life, be it material, physical or spiritual needs. Some people would like to find shortcuts and end up doing the wrong things to satisfy their needs. The word of God says we receive blessing if we give. It seems strange? How can we give when we ourselves are in need? How can we share something when we know we are missing something? Is God telling us something strange? No, the biblical principle is to give and it will be given to you. It can be the time you spend with someone, caring, loving, not judging, forgiving, etc. If we show these things to the people around us, surely someone else will show us in our life when we need it.
What are we doing in our lives as children of God? Do we constantly blame others? Let's stop with this attitude and instead become the people God wants us to be. We treasure people in their lives and let God use us to show others His love reflected through us.

Today we want to pray together and say: God the Father, thank you for everything you do for me. Guide my life so that I can be an instrument in your hands to reach those around me. In the name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno