21 April 2024


Peace of the Lord to all.
For today's family worship, Sunday 21 April 2024, I feel in my heart to share with you a thought which has as its key verse:
I Peter 1:3 (NIV)

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead”

What a day of joy the day Christ was resurrected was for the disciples! Jesus' closest followers had thought that He had died once and for all. They did not expect Him to come back to life and physically meet them face to face. Their sorrow was transformed into joy; their mourning turned into celebration. The disciples who had lost all hope, when they saw Jesus their hope was rekindled.
It happens to all of us, sooner or later in life, that our hopes seem dashed. People disappoint us, dreams crumble, our hard work seems to be in vain… We may feel hopeless, but we are never hopeless. If we put our trust in our talents, our abilities or skills or expertise, our bank account or even the people around us, we may be disappointed. But hope in the Lord Jesus Christ is never in vain.
Even if things are not going the way you expect right now, you can still hope for a glorious future because the Lord has promised it. In Jeremiah 29:11 it is written: "For I know the thoughts that I think for you", says the LORD: "thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jesus paid the ultimate price so that you could spend eternity with Him. Won't He take care of your life here on earth? Today trust in the Lord and place your hope in Him alone.

This morning we want to turn to God together and say: Lord God, thank you for everything you do for me. I wish to place my hope only in You. Help me face everything with Your support. In the Name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno