2 July 2024


I greet you all with the peace of the Lord. For today, Tuesday 2 July 2024, the biblical verse from which the thought I want to share is inspired is found written in:
Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)

“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

In this passage, taken from the Book of Lamentations, we find a message of profound hope that rises from the rubble of despair. Jerusalem has been destroyed, the people are in exile, the suffering is immense. Yet, in the midst of pain, a light shines: God's unwavering faithfulness.
God's "compassions", his mercy, do not end with trial. Indeed, they are renewed every day, like the dawn that rises after the darkest night. This powerful image reminds us that God's love is never static, but is constantly moving, always ready to support us and regenerate us.
How can we experience this daily rebirth in God's mercy?
• First of all by welcoming his Word: The Bible is full of promises of love and forgiveness from God. Feeding on his Word every day means opening your heart to his faithfulness and letting yourself be transformed by his grace.
• Secondly, praying with trust: Prayer is dialogue with God, an opportunity to express one's suffering and invoke his mercy. Through prayer, we can enter into an intimate relationship with God and receive the strength to face difficulties.
• Third by trusting His plan: Even when things seem to be going wrong, God is at work in our lives. Having faith in His plan means believing that even the most painful experiences can be used for our good.

This morning we want to pray together saying: Heavenly Father, we thank you for your faithful love which is renewed every day, like the dawn that rises to dispel the darkness. In our sufferings and in our moments of discouragement, give your comfort and strength. Help us to have faith in your promise of rebirth and experience your infinite compassion. Guide us with your light and guide our steps towards your will. Make us instruments of your love and peace in the world. In the Name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno