11 January 2024


Peace of the Lord be to you. For today's "Bread from Heaven", Thursday 11 January 2024, I will read a passage that is written in the Word of God in:
John 16:33 (NIV)

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

In this Bible verse, Jesus warns that we will have tribulations in this world. Everyone goes through difficult situations: pain, loss, illness, suffering, disappointments and frustrations. But unlike the rest of the world, we are not without hope. We are not fighting our battles alone.
The Lord is our commander. He preceded us in battle. Jesus won the war against sin and death on the cross. He has already conquered all evil. We are more than winners because the victory has already been achieved by Jesus. What we must do is remain with Christ who purchased us with his blood.
So when you're in the middle of a problem, what should your response be?
• You can recognize that no one is exempt from life's difficulties.
• You can be of good cheer, knowing that Christ has already won for you.
• You can enjoy the peace of the Lord in your difficulty, trusting completely in God that he is at your side and will deliver you.
When you think you can't do anything to change your situation, remember that you can always pray. The Lord listens to every word you speak: He is with you in the storm and will guide you safely.

Together we pray to the Lord telling him: God in heaven, thank you for everything you do for me. Thank you for how you take care of my life. May my faith in You grow with Your help. In the name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno