10 June 2024


Peace of the Lord and have a good start to the week everyone.
For today's "Bread from Heaven", Monday 10 June 2024, the thought I felt like sharing with you has as its key verse:
James 4:8 (NIV)

“Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

What differentiates a dream from reality are ACTIONS.
In this morning's verse there are some words like "Bring", "Clean", "Purify", which are verbs. A verb is an action. The Bible emphasizes ACTIONS. Having faith in GOD is the first step, but we must not stop there, we must act based on our faith. As believers in Christ, we must diligently continue daily to practice the actions that follow our faith.
How do we put our faith into action? First, we must be willing to let go of the things that tarnish the image of God in our hearts. Whether it's addictions or guilt, when we love Jesus, we don't cling to anything that takes us away from him. We must draw near to Him, and He will draw near to us.
Secondly, we manifest what we believe with our actions. It is not possible to show our beliefs, but we can certainly show our behaviors. To live what we believe in we must behave according to our Faith. Act in your life in accordance with the word of God, loving others beyond the offenses you have received and the pain they have caused. GOD loves those who make HIS and put into practice the Word of the Lord.

Today we want to pray together and say: God the Father, thank you for your word. I want to get closer and closer to You. Purify my life and help me do Your will in everything. In the name of Jesus... Amen!
With love, Ivano Salerno