1 January 2024


Peace of the Lord and have a good start to the week everyone.
For today's "Bread from Heaven", Monday 1 January 2024, the thought I felt like sharing with you has as its key verse:
II Corinthians 1:20 (NIV)

"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God."

God has prepared extraordinary things for your life, he has put the right people at your side, he has broken the bad things and opened the right doors. He had already planned the "yes": yes, you can achieve what good God has prepared. Yes, you can overcome a certain obstacle. Yes, His blessings descend upon you. Yes, you can trust in the Lord. Yes, your future is in God's hands!
The question is: will you say “amen” to God's “yes”? Will you believe in his promises and wait for their fulfillment in faith?
Begin this new year by recognizing that God's promises are "yes" and "amen." Begin to understand that the Lord is good and that His plan will come to fruition. Don't let doubt and discouragement distract you, keep your eyes fixed on God because He is faithful. His promises are always “yes” and “amen”. So say “amen” to His “yes”!

Today we want to pray together and say: God the Father, today I say "yes" to you. I say “yes” to Your promises and “yes” to Your ways. Help me to live a life that pleases you and give you glory in everything I say and do. In the name of Jesus... Amen!

With love, Ivano Salerno